
Week 2 Reflection

This paragraph will illustrates a change in my understanding of academic integrity at university. In the past, I think academic integrity means that when we express opinions, we should use our own words instead of directly copying others’ language. In addition, we cannot ask for others to do our individual assignments instead of us. However, after I learned the academic integrity model, I realized that my understanding of academic integrity was not profound. For example, I learned that cheating, contract-cheating, collusion, deception, fabrication, impersonation, obstruction, plagiarism, self-plagiarism and sabotage in the model of academic integrity are all unacceptable behaviors at university( Macquarie University Group 2018). Moreover, Macquarie University Group (2018) stated that the five main valve of academic integrity at Macquarie university are honest, trust, respect, responsibility and support. That means we need to objectively and truthfully, encouraging and recognizing others work, build a reliable, trustworthy relationship with teachers and students, listening and understanding other people’s different ideas, being accountable for ourself and others, as well as providing accessible sources and developing capacity( Macquarie University Group 2018). For instance, we should give clear indication of the reference of the information when we write academic texts. Therefore, after I have completely studied the academic integrity model, I have gained more knowledge of academic integrity in the university. At the same time, as a college student, I will implement and maintain all the principles which mentioned in the academic integrity model in my future studies.

Reference list

Macquarie University Group 2018, The Academic Integrity Policy, <https://staff.mq.edu.au/work/strategy-planning-and-governance/university-policies-and-procedures/policies/academic-integrity&gt;.

Week 8 Reflection

This reflection will explain how I use the feedback of reflection one to improve my writing. First of all, my tutor pointed out the lack of accuracy in my language. For example, I use a colloquial expression in my writing, which is not suitable for writing. Secondly, I should focus on improving my grammar knowledge and word spelling, making my writing easier to be understood by others. However, one thing I did very well was that I used the in-text references and the reference list correctly when I needed it. According to these feedback, I am constantly hinting that I need to pay attention to my writing shortcomings when I am writing information summaries and business reports. For example, I use an objective, formal academic language to express my thoughts, such as ‘report’, ‘undertake’ and ‘adopt’. Secondly, I read the article repeatedly after I finished writing, and proofread the article by checking the grammatical errors and word spelling. In addition, I have summarized and rewritten the contents of other authors, added citations based on the Harvard reference standard, as well as added a reference list at the end of the article. The feedback I get from reflection one is very helpful to my academic writing. It does not remind me to use the correct vocabulary and grammar to make the content of my article clear and smooth, and enables me to understand that summarizing and rewriting other authors’ opinions and adding citations can effectively avoid plagiarism. In my future academic writing, I will also pay attention to academic language, try to avoid grammatical errors, and quote references correctly.

Week 13 Reflection

This reflection will discuss how can I use the knowledge and skills that I have learnt to develop my future writing at university. First of all, academic knowledge, skills and practices help me make my writing strong. When I do academic writing, I will keep thinking critically and support my point of view through explanations, analysis, and a series of solid evidence. In addition, I will follow the content and structure requirements of different types of academic writing, so that audiences can gain the information they want clearly and explicitly. Moreover, I will use complete text structure and paragraph structure, rich academic language and formal presentation to show my academic literacy. Secondly, academic knowledge could help me to develop discipline specific and professional knowledge. For example, academic knowledge is often used in debates and arguments, which are logical, rational and optimistic. Thus, by learning academic knowledge and skills, I can improve my statements more objective and based on credible evidence. In addition, academic knowledge will help me analyze and think about my discipline specific knowledge from a professional perspective. Moreover, academic knowledge and discipline specific knowledge contribute to my professional skills, such as providing reliable evidence and the correct language and structure under specific requirements. Thirdly, academic writing knowledge is one of my essential skills in my future career. The reason is that much information about work needs to be presented in formal written form. All in all, academic knowledge, skills and practices are very useful for my future study and career. Therefore, even if I complete this unit I will continue to apply them in my academic writing.